
Parking Made Easier in Downtown Elyria

June 7, 2012 — Downtown Elyria has 574 parking spaces and one is waiting for you! Downtown Parking may be easier to find with the reinstatement of the Parking Enforcement Officer in downtown Elyria.

has tirelessly trumpeted the need for parking enforcement on behalf of the merchants in downtown. "This is our way of creating a friendly business environment where visitors to downtown Elyria may park and visit our restaurants, shops and other businesses. At the same time, it addresses safety; a key initiative set forth-through Main Street Elyria in 2007" stated Tamela Grubb, Executive Director. "It will allow for another set of eyes on the street with a direct line to the police department. It also offers a welcoming face to visitors of downtown."

The introduction given by the Elyria Police Department at the June 5, Downtown Business Owners Dialogue Session included PEA Arroyo is a lifetime resident of Lorain County, worked for CEI Electric Company for 20 years and worked as a Corrections Officer for at the Elyria City Jail.
PEA Arroyo has been married for 27 years and has two adult sons. He is excited about establishing a positive working relationship within the downtown and will be asset to the area and increase the accessibility to parking for patrons of downtown businesses Main Street Elyria and the City of Elyria listened to the business owner's during the session of open discussion on the topics of available parking locations in downtown, the review of new parking signage, and the increase of 30-minute parking spaces.

will issue courtesy notifications in efforts toward a positive transition on the enforcement of parking in lieu ticketing for a period but full enforcement is to begin in July.

Main Street Elyria offers a parking map with all available parking locations within the downtown including pay lots at mainstreetelyria.com.